Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Here is Hayley...

She will be teaching you on how to take your clothes OFF...

If you don't like what you're wearing or your in HEAT...

Just follow the following Steps:

STEP 1: You have to be in upright position.. if you are sitting better stand-up you lazyhead...

STEP 2: Figure out how to take it OFF, the EASY way... don't look as if you wanted a hand...

STEP 3: Try taking you arms out of the dress FIRST... 

OOOOOOppppppppssss... can't pull the whole thing OFF... change tactic..

STEP 4: Change tactic.. PULL OVER YOUR HEAD

Never thought its going to be this hard!

AT LAST.. whew

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


This is one of those DULL days...

but with HAYLEY around... your DULL day with be full of screams and laughters...

We were busy with the boob-tube, when all of a sudden.. the MENACE climb up this plastic corner table and played with the light switch...

As we reprimand her, she gives us a MOCKING DANCING instead... 

Just LOOK at her...

asking her to go down, she sat down and still was mocking us by dancing and singing her favorite BARNEY theme... WHEW!


Fresh from my rare SHOPPING... 

Hayley welcomed me by getting my SHOPPING bag and rummaged the stuff in it...

We got the same taste maybe, coz what caught her eye is this BLACK Ruffled Blouse that I got and wore it...

The blouse serves as a LONG DRESS for her... she is definitely FUNNY!



Tantrums in a toddler should be an annoyance, nothing more. You can't really control your child's emotions during a tantrum, but you should feel well in control of your own.

You can't make your child stop, but you should feel confident that you can keep her safe during the tantrum, and carry on with life afterward. 

The fits of wild, seemingly irrational anger that have been dubbed the ‘terrible twos’ will be part of your life if you have a young child. They’re learning so quickly, and think they can do anything, but when they can’t stack those bricks or get their hands on that appealing-looking sweetie at the checkout, they don’t yet know of any other way of expressing their displeasure apart from losing their temper

You don’t have to be two to have a full-blown tantrum – after all many full-grown adults have them. Tantrums represent a loss of control, and are the immature response to frustration, tiredness, boredom, hunger, over-stimulation or simply not getting your own way

Once a child has the language skills to express himself and ask for what he wants, tantrums are less likely, though by no means over. 

One of the most stressful aspects of a tantrum from the parent’s point of view is that they can erupt wherever your child decides to have one. An explosion of emotion in a public place is guaranteed to make heads turn and makes us feel awkward and embarrassed, giving your child’s tantrum extra power.


This is HAYLEY's BOX.. entirely dedicated to our youngest sister HAYLEY...

On my previous blogs, I already introduced her to you.. 

Most of my blogs contains stuff about her, making me realize.. WHY DONT I CREATE A BLOG with stuff all about HAYLEY?

Thus, the creation of HAYLEY'S box!

You'll be seein lotsa, lotsa pictures in this blog..

and i am hoping that when the time come that HAYLEY can manipulate the PC, she can continue what i started for her..

come on.. hop in.. to HAYLEY's BOX!