Tantrums in a toddler should be an annoyance, nothing more. You can't really control your child's emotions during a tantrum, but you should feel well in control of your own.
You can't make your child stop, but you should feel confident that you can keep her safe during the tantrum, and carry on with life afterward.
The fits of wild, seemingly irrational anger that have been dubbed the ‘terrible twos’ will be part of your life if you have a young child. They’re learning so quickly, and think they can do anything, but when they can’t stack those bricks or get their hands on that appealing-looking sweetie at the checkout, they don’t yet know of any other way of expressing their displeasure apart from losing their temper.
You don’t have to be two to have a full-blown tantrum – after all many full-grown adults have them. Tantrums represent a loss of control, and are the immature response to frustration, tiredness, boredom, hunger, over-stimulation or simply not getting your own way.
Once a child has the language skills to express himself and ask for what he wants, tantrums are less likely, though by no means over.
One of the most stressful aspects of a tantrum from the parent’s point of view is that they can erupt wherever your child decides to have one. An explosion of emotion in a public place is guaranteed to make heads turn and makes us feel awkward and embarrassed, giving your child’s tantrum extra power.